WEDNESDAY, June 4, 2008 at 9:30 a.m.
At the Cinema Teatro Fellini, Viale Lombardia 53, Rozzano (MI) the little opera “From the Crib to the Trumpet” will be presented in which all of the pupils of the Via Milano Elementary School will participate in the role of choir members, actors, dancers, and other important organizational roles.
The music has already been specially composed by Maestro Andrea Gie’, the text by Marcella Lenarduzzi. The arranger of the text, director, set designer and general coordinator is teacher and Vice-Director, Dr. Wanda Zurrida.
Thursday May 29, 2008, at 4:30 P.M. at the Via Garofani Elementary School at Rozzano (MI), the annual classical guitar and piano recital will be held by the instrumental students of the Via Milano Elementary School at Rozzano (MI).
Nota: the Scholastic Circle No. 2 of the Elementary Schools if Rozzano include two schools, that of Via Milano and that of Via Garofani.
The Via Milano Elementary School was the first to be included in the project of 11Note “Music Maestro” for the elementary school children.
The pianos were housed by the adjacent Via Garofani School because of space.
The next scholastic year 2008/2009 will see included in the program “Music Maestro” the second Elementary School of Scholastic Circle No. 2. The program will be the same: there will be different instruments. The children will study clarinet and the flute.